Self-Love Academy


This program is here to help you reclaim your power with courage and confidence & embrace your authentic self to show up and to create the life your truly desire.

Self-Love Academy
One time
For 2 months

My signature 8 week program is here to help you reclaim your power with courage and confidence , embrace your authentic self, step into your GREATNESS to show up and to create the life your truly desire.

✓ Live Q&A with Tara Sadeghian
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Community Connection

Self-Love Academy

Do you truly know who you are?

Do you deeply know who you were born to be and NOT who the world expects and dictates you to become?

You have landed on this page for a reason. I know and you know that too!

You have a deep inner calling to unapologetically and unconditionally stand in your truth and confidently reclaim your power. You just can’t quite remember how to and I am here to guide you to uncover.

True love is the pure intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness without any condition.


And let me tell you. I learned it the hard way. No one has ever taught me to LOVE myself. Right!! I haven’t seen my mum choosing herself unapologetically without any guilt or shame. On a broader scale, in the entire world throughout history women were expected to stay home, and look after the needs of others. They were not given any voice and stance. So, don’t feel bad that you don’t know how to LOVE yourself. I didn’t know either. 

But the SELF-LOVE ACADEMY is here to help you eliminate what is not LOVE to find peace in your mind, body and soul. It’s a space to learn how to connect with your body to move away from survival mode into a more sustainable and thriving state to live a more fulfilled and purposeful life by teaching you in 8 weeks, the core pillars in elevating and enhancing your mind, body and soul. 

You’ll be provided the essential tools through weekly video coaching from me, alongside a practical and powerful workbook to support you in your journey to UNBECOMING who YOU are NOT. 

This is the course where you get to practice patience, grace and self-compassion as you learn bit by bit, day by day, to replace your self-doubts with SELF-LOVE and begin to build a solid foundation of SELF-APPROVAL. and CERTAINTY about who YOU are.

What you’ll learn

Meet your instructor

Tara Sadeghian

Specialising in supporting men & women into getting more out of life by uncovering their greatest selves, passions & motivations.

It has always been a passion of mine to support people to be in their ultimate expression throughout their life.

Growing up as a Muslim woman, this was not always a luxury I had but it is a choice I decided to make!

Choosing to live life on your terms can be your choice too, and I’m here to show you how to do just that!


  • "Tara had a remarkable calming presence and skillfully guided us in exploring our fears, anger and pain points. Her guidance created a safe space for us to release emotional burdens, experience deep relaxation and find relief"

  • "I appreciate Tara's compassion and attentiveness. She created a safe space for us to share and open up about our strugles. Her guidance offered valuable insights and practical tools to help us tackle challenges beyond the class"

  • "Overall, the class left me feeling more relaxed and with newfound clarity and inner peave. I ighly recommend this transformative session's experience to anyone seeking more support and growth in their life"

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Self-Love Academy
One time
For 2 months

My signature 8 week program is here to help you reclaim your power with courage and confidence , embrace your authentic self, step into your GREATNESS to show up and to create the life your truly desire.

✓ Live Q&A with Tara Sadeghian
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Community Connection

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